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Veterans Court Receives $500 Donation

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

January 14, 2021

By Donna Simmons, Kaufman County Communications and Economic Development Coordinator.

The Kaufman County Veterans’ Court became the recipient of a $500 donation from the Cedar Creek Country Club Men’s Golf Association during the January 14, 2022 Court Session at the Kaufman County Courthouse.

The check was presented to Judge John Roach, Jr. by Ken Cates, Precinct 4 County Commissioner following the court session.

Veterans Court is a diversion program for Justice-Involved Veterans (JIV) who are facing prosecution for one or more criminal cases. The motto of the court is Together We Can: ​Providing a second chance to justice-involved Veterans.

The mission of the court is to provide support and rehabilitation opportunities to qualified JIV criminal defendants whose crimes were materially connected to injuries suffered as a result of honorable service in the United States Armed Forces. The goals of the program outlined on their website are to find JIVs, assess their needs, offer assistance, manage their care, and provide them with successful treatment options that ultimately lead to successful community reintegration and resolution of their criminal case(s).

​The program offers offenders a treatment option that is judicially supervised. It is designed to divert JIV out of the traditional criminal justice process and into appropriate treatment/rehabilitative alternatives.

​Once the JIV has been screened, assessed, and approved for participation in the program, he/she will promptly begin a treatment regimen that is specific to his/her needs.

Pct. 4 Commissioner Ken Cates and Judge John Roach, Jr., Presiding Judge of the North Texas Veterans Court

PRESS CONTACT - Brennan Jones, 469-974-7731,

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